Fanta, Assistant

Fanta, Assistant

Fanta is a dynamic and accomplished professional with a diverse background in business administration and accounting. Bagging a bachelor’s degree in business administration and a diploma in Business-Accounting, Fanta possesses a solid foundation of k...

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Rosa G. Diaz

Rosa G. Diaz

Rosa G. Diaz is a highly accomplished paralegal specializing in personal injury and Medical Malpractice. She excels not only in her professional pursuits but also as a devoted mother, community leader, and advocate. As a first-generation graduate fro...

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Meet Mbadibba, our paralegal, primarily assisting Asylum Seeking clients. Her dedication and commitment to helping those in need is evident through her role in providing legal support to individuals seeking asylum. Mbadibba’s extensive experience in ...

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Cire Camara

Cire Camara

Cire Camara is a distinguished attorney with a multifaceted legal background that sets him apart in the legal profession. His journey into the legal world began as an academic, while pursuing his Ph.D. research in Senegal. This early exposure to the ...

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Settelement for sexual harasment

Settelement for sexual harasment

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nullam quis mauris nec mauris luctus tincidunt. Aliquam volutpat massa at urna commodo euismod sit amet vel lorem. Donec eget augue venenatis, sodales mauris vita...

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10 Legal Advice for Business Startup

10 Legal Advice for Business Startup

Etiam varius pulvinar cursus. Duis hendrerit ante eget nibh vestibulum imperdiet. Vestibulum imperdiet eros auctor odio elementum rhoncus. Maecenas ultricies velit non purus lobortis egestas. Proin consectetur nibh ac ex venenatis, at ornare arcu sus...

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